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"At the meeting, called by the NYC Community Alliance for Worker Justice, a group of over a dozen JTS students gathered in a Barnard classroom to learn more about the campaign and listen to workers’ stories. Workers spoke about their experiences on non-union jobs. One man talked about a site with two harnesses for 30 workers, about scaling the side of a building with one arm full of rebar and nothing to break his fall. One man talked about getting his leg crushed and being hidden from cameras, being brought to the hospital in a company van, and management insisting he got the injury on his lunch break. Another worker talked about drugs and drinking on the site, with no one bothering to do drug tests, about doing jobs with no prior training. Everybody mentioned poor wages, inadequate or no insurance. In short, exactly what you’d expect from a ruthless profit-driven industry with no organized labor movement to protect its workers."
JTS Chose Non-Union Labor for Major Construction Project
Nonunion Isn’t Kosher, Workers Tell Seminary
Rabbi criticizes Conservative seminary for not hiring union on construction project
April 30th Rally Against JTS Overdevelopment
Rabbi Jacobs of T'ruah, Rabbis for Human Rights
I've been following with great interest and concern the developing labor situation at JTS
Author of labor union teshuvah on JTS practice: "We are not there yet."
Renovation of Jewish seminary in Morningside Heights spurs protest over use of non-union labor
Major Safety Accident on Gilbane Job
Construction site from hell rains metal, concrete on unsuspecting New Yorkers below
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