About Us
NYC Community Alliance for Workers Justice is a coalition of construction workers, safety advocates, labor, faith, and community allies who have come together to raise the bar for NYC’s construction workers and to take a stand against worker exploitation. Our coalition knows that building with justice improves conditions for tenant families, for workers and their families, and the city overall.
New York City’s efforts to build or preserve hundreds of thousands of affordable housing units are laudable but the city’s failures to ensure the units are built by responsible contractors have undermined the workers who help building them. Moreover, the City's construction boom, including a record number of luxury high-rise developments has brought an inexcusable rise in the number of construction workers killed on the job. Lowest bids and the lack of workforce standards have resulted in unethical and reprehensible construction companies become some of the main beneficiaries of taxpayer-subsidized affordable housing projects.
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Contact Us
“We are subjected to unsafe and inhumane working conditions including abusive and retaliatory behavior by owners and managers. The company has forced workers to work without proper training or certification. This demand puts us workers and the general public in danger.”
—Joshua Edgar Melendez, ironworker
Are you experiencing wage theft, harassment, or abuse? Do you have safety and health concerns?